Monday 14 November 2011

Analysis of Contents pages for Music Mag

Music magazine contents page analysis

 The main image has taken more of the space and the content of the text is a lot but it is very small font therefore it shows how sophisticated the magazine is and how organised it is.

There is one image and the mise en scene helps it make it look very elegant and neat. The costume Eminem is wearing contributes to my point of him looking very formal and neat. The lighting just shone his face as this emphasises who he is and the importance of him.


 The clothing the artists are wearing on the front cover is the same as the contents page which is very formal and smart wear and this relates to the magazine as it is a very sophisticated magazine.


 All the colours are very dark blacks and purples those colours reflect the expression  of anger that Eminem has on his face.


Dramatic language is used to attract the reader’s attention “Who’s Got Juice?”
 The feature which makes the contents page appear exclusive is the content of the contents page and the famous artists. This helps to appear significant because if it was an unknown model it would not give the same effect as using celebrities as a main image as this attracts the target audience.

Music magazine contents page analysis

The main image is eye catching as it is central and very colourful compared to the background which is just a cream colour. The picture is of ‘Lil Wayne’ who is also on the cover of the issue the image looks like a mug shot because it looks as though the artist was about to drink, he has a bottle and two cups in his hand.
Title and colour
The banner across the top of the page gives us the words, ‘Master Plan’ and also the title of the magazine. It doesn’t actually tell you anywhere that it is the contents page. I assume they gave it the name ‘Master Plan’ instead as it is very different to any other magazine contents page and also it is interesting as the magazine shows you from the words that they have a ‘Master Plan’ of the magazine. The plan being the contents such as page numbers being linked with articles. Most of the writing for these to are big and bold in a deep black colour. There is also some grey and silver included in the title too.
The magazine navigation is well presented as the articles are linked to the page number that contains these. This makes it easy for the reader to find what they want to quickly. ‘We cant believe what Weezy’s up to now’, this is singled out in the bottom right hand corner as it is easy to see and the readers will read the text which doesn’t tell you anything making you want to find out more about it.
Lil Wayne is wearing a short sleeve blue shirt and a dark blue hat .

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