Tuesday 15 November 2011

Mock-ups for Music mag

Costume Ideas for Music mag


        In all the pictures of the hip hop artist you can see them all wearing jewellery, In the first image you can see Nelly  is wearing brass knuckles ,watch, ring, chain with a medallion  and bracelet. And they are unusually large  because jewellery is big in hip hop and all of Nelly’s jewellery cost over a million. So jewellery is very important as you can see in the other three pictures. Ludacris is wear a chain and big diamond earrings  and in the next picture Ti is wearing a chain with a cross and also he is wearing a bracelet and in  the next picture you can see Lil Wayne with a big watch, ring and a bracelet ,all hip hop artists spend a lot on jewellery.

       Most hip-hop artist wear baggy jeans and air force 1s as u can see in the lil Wayne picture. Base ball caps are very important in hip-hop the artist represent where they come from by wearing the cap of the state they come from like New York and LA. Some of the artist wear tank tops to show there muscles of even go topless. And some times they wear just plain black or white t-shirt. Some artist wear glasses as you can see in the Ludacris and Ti pictures also hoodies are worn by many hip-hop artist mostly by UK artist.

Analysis of Double page spreads for Music Mag

Music magazine double page spread analysis

Target audience

The target audience of the magazine XXL is mostly men and some women who love hip hop and rap music. They would be aged between 14-25 because the older generation tend to not like rap or hip hop music. From the image in the Double page spread the reader can see that it is 50 Cent and therefore automatically associate his genre of music in relation to the double page spread and the magazine itself. Furthermore, other giveaways is the language such as “hustlin’” shows the slang words used which is what the target audience of the magazine are likely to use.


The colour of the DPS is plain and there is a lot of white space used, however this makes it look good because of the skin colour of 50 cent contrasting with the background looks very powerful. The continuity of the colours black and white makes the DPS look eye catching and professional. The fonts used are sans serif and the title is big and bold which makes it stand out to the reader. The sans serif fonts bodes well with the DPS in relation to the genre because sans serif fonts look more casual which is what the DPS is – casual.


The image is very striking because of the contrasting colours used. Although the image is quite plain and simple, and there isn't a lot of mise-en-scene, in this case less is more and because of the colour scheme and the fact the image is on one full page makes the image look very powerful and striking. The models pose is simple too however it still manages to catch the readers eye. This attracts the readers attention and makes them want to read the article.

Language and Tone

The Language in the article is quite informal as its an interview so its more like a chatty conversation. This is shown in the quote I picked out, 50 cent’s replies are informal as he says things like “you know what im sayin’”. The tone is friendly and chatty which makes the reader enjoy the article more because its not boring and its like the artist is talking to you himself. Other slang words are used like “hustlin’” which is slang for “making money” which makes the mode of address more of a casual register and informal.

Music magazine double page spread analysis


The image is related with the article just like the front page image was related to the sell line. In this DPS they call Nelly “iron man” and he is wearing a tank to show off his big built arms  to show he is iron man.  In the image he is coordinating his tank to with his hat to catch peoples eyes . In fact the image is on one full page makes the image look very powerful and strong and he is showing us how rich he is by holding his belt which is Louis Vuitton  and he is also wearing a bling g-shock watch.

Target audience

The target audience of the magazine would be mostly for men and for some women .The reader can tell its a hip hop magazine because you can see an image of Nelly  who is a hip hop artist. Also behind Nelly there are large speakers  and speakers and boom boxes are also associated with Hip hop as well


The colour of the DPS is a iron texture grey and sliver it makes the paper  look like a metal iron stage and with the title in white which make the title stand out.

Language and Tone

The Language in the article is quite descriptive about what’s going on with Nelly  and they also talk about his new album coming up and the songs that are going to be in the album. The artist is described as being rich and stylish. Also they describe what Nelly is wearing .

Analysis of Front covers for Music Mag

Music magazine front page analysis

Main cover line and dominate  image
Vibe magazine you can see close-up medium shot of Lil Wayne immediately shows to the reader what type of magazine it is just from it’s front cover, making it very clear from the front that the magazine is based on music, specifically in the Hip-Hop, Rap & RnB area., you can see lil Wayne looking up high and proud which correlates with the sell line which says “Weezy STILL HIP POP’S LEADING MAN?” and also Weezy or lil Wayne is wearing a band leader uniform to show he is the leader.
 By looking at the masthead you can tell Vibe magazine’s target audience is predominantly young, urban followers of hip-hop and R&B culture, Mostly male and some female ,the colour is unisex with a vibrant taste in music. Even though the masthead is placed behind the model, as appose to in the front, you can still see the whole name because the out line in white goes over the model  to ensure the name is in full view of the audience. ensuring that it stands out from all other conventions.
Sell lines/cover lines
By featuring similar rappers to lil Wayne and their stories, the magazine captures the audience by not revealing exactly what the information is like in the lil Wayne line. The contrast of black and white shows its for both sexes.
Strap line
This outlines the focus of the issue in simple terms. It is alliterated which shows flow like the music genres and also that the  readers are educated.
Bar code
The bar code is placed in the bottom left hand corner of the splash, ensuring that it is away from the main cover line/cover lines, keeping the attention towards the main features. Placed over the bar code is the website of the magazine, http://www.vibe.com/, which lets the readers know where they can find out more about the magazine.

Music magazine front page analysis

Main cover line and dominate  image
Rap-up magazine cover you can see a wide shot of Nelly, the magazine took a wide shot so they could show the steel box he is on. The main cover line correlates  with the image  because the cover line says “RAP’S MAN OF STEEL NELLY LEAPS INTO ACTION "and in the image you can see Nelly in a crouched down position on a steel box like he's about to leap. Nelly is wearing a tank top to show his arms and muscles, to emphasise he really is the man of steel. Even the colours in the image and cover line correlate, they called Nelly the man of steel and the man of steel is superman from the dc comics  who’s iconic colour is red, by putting Nelly's name in red and his hat and trainers in red they  show Nelly as raps man of steel, so rap music’s superman .
The large masthead is behind the image in sans serif font giving connotations of a modern, trendy magazine. The title ‘RAP UP’ opens a clue to the type of music featured in the magazine. The black font stands out on the grey to white faded background, catching the reader’s attention. The masthead is slightly covered by the image of Nelly, showing that it has already created a brand identity and therefore doesn’t need to show the whole title.
Strap line
This outlines the focus of the issue in simple terms, It says “G-UNIT VS>THE GAME:HIP-POP’S HEAVYWEIGHTS FIGHT TO THE FINISH". The names of the two artists are in red to really draw attention and the readers will want to open the magazine to find out what happened in the fight.
Sell lines/cover lines
By featuring similar artists to Nelly, who do Rap,Rnb and hip pop and their stories, the magazine captures the audience by not revealing exactly what the information is like in the Nelly line.
Again the puff is in red to draw your attention and want to open the magazine or flip to see what's on the other side.


Monday 14 November 2011

Analysis of Contents pages for Music Mag

Music magazine contents page analysis

 The main image has taken more of the space and the content of the text is a lot but it is very small font therefore it shows how sophisticated the magazine is and how organised it is.

There is one image and the mise en scene helps it make it look very elegant and neat. The costume Eminem is wearing contributes to my point of him looking very formal and neat. The lighting just shone his face as this emphasises who he is and the importance of him.


 The clothing the artists are wearing on the front cover is the same as the contents page which is very formal and smart wear and this relates to the magazine as it is a very sophisticated magazine.


 All the colours are very dark blacks and purples those colours reflect the expression  of anger that Eminem has on his face.


Dramatic language is used to attract the reader’s attention “Who’s Got Juice?”
 The feature which makes the contents page appear exclusive is the content of the contents page and the famous artists. This helps to appear significant because if it was an unknown model it would not give the same effect as using celebrities as a main image as this attracts the target audience.

Music magazine contents page analysis

The main image is eye catching as it is central and very colourful compared to the background which is just a cream colour. The picture is of ‘Lil Wayne’ who is also on the cover of the issue the image looks like a mug shot because it looks as though the artist was about to drink, he has a bottle and two cups in his hand.
Title and colour
The banner across the top of the page gives us the words, ‘Master Plan’ and also the title of the magazine. It doesn’t actually tell you anywhere that it is the contents page. I assume they gave it the name ‘Master Plan’ instead as it is very different to any other magazine contents page and also it is interesting as the magazine shows you from the words that they have a ‘Master Plan’ of the magazine. The plan being the contents such as page numbers being linked with articles. Most of the writing for these to are big and bold in a deep black colour. There is also some grey and silver included in the title too.
The magazine navigation is well presented as the articles are linked to the page number that contains these. This makes it easy for the reader to find what they want to quickly. ‘We cant believe what Weezy’s up to now’, this is singled out in the bottom right hand corner as it is easy to see and the readers will read the text which doesn’t tell you anything making you want to find out more about it.
Lil Wayne is wearing a short sleeve blue shirt and a dark blue hat .